Tongore Brook Farm "Big Flavor Grown Superfood" microgreens are 4 to 40 times richer in nutrients than their full-grown vegetable varieties. USDA Certified Organic and available year-round, they are sun-grown in bespoke soils, and irrigated in purified rainwater, and hand-harvested at peak flavor. All of our products are robust, vibrant in color, and intensely flavorful - typically lasting up to two weeks in storage. We serve retail and restaurant markets ranging from the Hudson Valley to New York City. Unique USDA Certified Organic wild forest-crafted maple drinks and log-grown shiitake mushrooms are also available seasonally. Sales and distribution inquiries are welcome.
“Money can’t buy better. The flavor is stunning, absolutely amazing. They are simply the most beautiful microgreens I have ever come across. I won’t buy anywhere else."
- Executive Chef Shawn “Radar” Burnette
"The Pea Shoots are like no other salad green, with dressing or without. Eating them is like experiencing the purified rainwater that feeds the plant itself. I like to cut the long stem greens to enjoy by the hand-full or fork-full at the best of meals."
- "Father of American Cooking" Chef John Novi

About Our Four-Season Hudson Valley Farm
Tongore Brook Farm is a small, family owned and operated enterprise located in scenic Stone Ridge, New York, situated where the Catskills Mountains meet the Hudson Valley. A working hay and barley farm in the late-18th century, and abandoned to reforestation by the late-19th century, it was re-born as a unique greenhouse farm in 2012. Solar and geothermal energy enable us to produce ideal indoor conditions for four-season growing at 90% energy savings over conventional facilities - savings we pass on to our customers in the form of reasonable prices. Our climate-control system was developed in cooperation with New York State and has won several advanced engineering awards. Our aspiration is to continually improve the technology of greenhouse growing so as to make four-season local farming environmentally and economically viable.
Our Big Flavor Superfood Methods
We believe that farming can be innovative while being rooted in traditional values. We hand-sow, individually inspect, and hand-harvest our crops, products best described as the tiny young versions of vegetables and other plants. Our seeds are Certified Organic, non-GMO, and non-modified. Our farming systems undergo constant reevaluation and improvement; our custom-blended soils were developed by microbiologists, our products are taste-tested by professional chefs before they are marketed. This allows us to bring super-nutritious foods - all of which are nutrient-dense; some of which are chemoprotective - to our customers.

About Our Packaging
Tongore Brook Farm packaging is certified BPH-free, contains 30% post-consumer recycled materials; a Green Restaurant Association product it is fully recyclable - part of a program that keeps approximately 350 million plastic water bottles from ending up in landfills every year. Our labels were produced by artist Maria Reidelbach's Stick To Local Farms Project. and they proudly display USDA Organic, NY State Grown and Certified, and NOFA-NY Certifications.
About The Tongore Brook Name
Tongore Brook's headwaters start on our farm in the Historic Highlands of the Rondout Valley at 900 feet above sea level. Flowing northward into the Esopus Creek, they empty into the Hudson River at Saugerties and move south to New York City, tracing the market journey of our locally grown crops. The name "Tongore" dates back to 17th-century Dutch colonization of the area when it described a small town close to what is now New York City's Ashokan Reservoir. Of obscure origin, it is reputed to be derived from either the name of a mythical Native American chief or a legendary Dutch settler - ("van Tongoren") and it survives to this day in the form of local road names and our eponymous farm.
Our Affiliations
Tongore Brook Farm is a proud member of the Rondout Valley Growers Association and NOFA-NY, the certifying agency for Non-GMO and USDA Certified Organic crops. All our crops are New York State Grown and Certified and our facility is USDA Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Handling Practices Certified, USDA Certified Organic, and Real Organic Project Certified. We are committed to Zero Waste Farming and contribute five percent of our crops annually to Farm to Food Pantry.

Our Recipes
Our crops are suitable for a wide variety of dishes ranging from complex cuisine, to delicious salads, to raw snackfood. We work with chefs and home cooks to update and expand our recipe inventory on a regular basis.
Scallops with Pea Shoots
If in the shell, shuck and clean fresh sea scallops, discarding the guts and retaining the scallop meat and shells.
Lightly oil the scallops with vegetable or extra virgin olive oil.
Heat a skillet over high heat until it starts to smoke. Add the scallops, one at a time, at least 1" apart to avoid crowding the skillet.
Sear the scallops until golden on one side; turn and finish.
Create a bed of pea shoots in each cleaned shell or dish, then add the scallop to the bed, sprinkle with sea salt, and serve with a lemon wedge.
Thai Farmhouse Sunshoots Salad
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
½ teaspoon each: salt, sugar, ground black pepper
1 small hot chili pepper very thinly sliced
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 shallot, peeled and sliced
12 cherry tomatoes, halved (optional)
2 ounces Tongore Brook Farm SunShoots
¼ cup cilantro leaves
2 tablespoons toasted sunflower seeds
Whisk olive oil, salt, sugar, black pepper, lime juice until well-mixed.
Add shallots and chili pepper; let mixture sit for 10 minutes to 2 hours (as time allows).
Fold in shallots, tomatoes, Sunshoots, and cilantro.

Questions? Interested in our Products? We'd Love to Hear From You!